Tuesday, December 31, 2002

New Year Soon

ok i'm using my lappie now so can watch charmed at d same time. i know i've blogged a million times today but its the last day of a super eventful year and i have nothing better to do. all things will change as of 1/1/03. i know it will change, and it will change for the better thru Him. For He is the Rock upon which i stand; my shelter and strong tower.

oh well. hope i'll continue to grow in faith over time and not lose sight despite everything. i'm not perfect, but He loves me anyway. that shd be reason enough for me not to feel frustrated, and lost and so on. ARGH. i think i'm starting to irritate all those who haf been faithfully following my blog, tho its been only 3 days old. haha.

argh i'm feeling so......................... i dunch know.. argh.. its this feeling of being cooped up and stuff.. think shaken coke can. argh..

happy new year.

pray that i'll be able to lean on His strength more and not rely on myself to get thru this. if He is proving for the birds and bees and flowers and that s-o-b, all the more He is providing for me. right?